Valerie Lane, Realtor®

Valerie has lived in Tucson for 16 years and considers this her home.  She graduated from the University of Arizona with a masters degree in Architecture.  She has served the southern Arizona community for the past 12 years as a licensed architect and helped countless clients realize their dreams through thoughtful design and understanding clients built environment needs.  In 2020 she became a Realtor and is an agent with Tierra Antigua in downtown Tucson.  She hopes to be able to apply her same understanding of clients housing needs to her real estate career and has had excellent luck finding her clients their dream homes with less hassle and faster than your average real estate search.

What do you stand for?

When I’m asked what is most important to me, or what I stand for, the things that come to mind are…

House Drawing


Valerie Lane owns and operates FixCity LLC. A Tucson based architecture firm. She also teaches at the University of Arizona at the College of Architecture.


Valerie is Married and has two young children. Her family is located in the heart of central Tucson and they are deeply ingrained in all the wonderful community offerings Tucson possesses.

Building Community

Building Strong Communities

Through design and building housing and commercial spaces with community in mind and now through real estate, Valerie's primary focus is on building and preserving Tucson's strong communities.


Gallery of past architecture projects.
(Coming Soon)


Some favorite family memories.
(Coming Soon)


Valerie's service to her community.
(Coming Soon)